
June 4th, 2021

BSVV advises Atacama Energy in its sale to EDP Renewables to enter the Chilean electricity market


Atacama Energy sold its entire investment portfolio to EDP Renewables (EDPR), one of the world’s leading Non-Conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE) operators.

According to EuropaPress and as reported by Diario Financiero, with this project EDP Renewables expands its international reach, achieving a presence in 16 international markets, while the Group enters its 21st country.

The total transaction includes 628 MW of solar and wind generation.

You can also check the article in Diario Financiero

With this transaction, EDP Renewables, linked to Grupo Energías de Portugal and China Three Gorges, arrives to the Chilean market with a portfolio of 628 MW.


Francisco Varela Echaurren

Francisco Varela Echaurren
Fernanda Contreras Oróstica

Fernanda Contreras Oróstica
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