
December 3rd, 2017

San Juan Wind Farm gets early refund of VAT credit for about USD 10 million.


During the first semester of 2017, BSVV advised San Juan to obtain the VAT tax credit refund for approximately 5.8 billion pesos, pursuant to the provisions of Article 27 bis of the Sales and Services Tax Law.

Our firm assumed the complete handling of said process before the IRS and the General Treasury of the Republic.

San Juan S.A., a subsidiary of Latin America Power, operates the San Juan Wind Farm in la Estancia Chañaral de Aceituno, located in the municipality of Freirina, Atacama Region, which has 56 turbines totaling an installed capacity of 185 MW, with a useful life of 27 years.


Fernando Barros Vial

Fernando Barros Vial
Francisco Varela Echaurren

Francisco Varela Echaurren
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